------------------------- | Changelog legend: | | | | + : Addition | | - : Removal | | * : Change/Update | | !! : Bug Found | | = : Bug Fixed | | ## : Note/Info | ------------------------- ---------- Final 1.4 ---------- + Added extended versions of the title and intermission music (courtesy of CoTeCiO). These will only play in GZDoom, and the intermission music will only play in Eternity. * The ZMAPINFO and EMAPINFO were updated to use the new title and intermission music (see above). * Updated the WADINFO lump with the updated readme text. = (MAP24) Fixed a possible softlock in the red skullkey area where the player could get stuck in the arena if they pressed on the DR switch after pressing the open stay switch. Thanks to Pablo_Doom_Guy for reporting this! = Fixed a crash in DOS Doom on MAP30 when the monster spawners would wake up. The emtpy sfx were causing the issue, which was fixed with CoTeCiO's new blank sound effects. Thanks to TheWolfman00001, Bashe, and CoTeCiO for the help! ---------- Final 1.3 ---------- * Updated the WADINFO lump with the updated readme text. = Fixed EMAPINFO for MAP21 so that it goes to MAP22 instead of looping back to MAP21. Thanks to FearTheReaper for pointing this out! ---------- Final 1.2 ---------- + Added DECORATE definitions for the ChooserDemon, VoodooExploder, and D64D2BossEye actors. This should help with mod compatiblity. + Added a different border/statbar background gfx for GZDoom players. * (Motherdemon) Got some extra frames to use after fixing a bug (below), so I added an extra SkelMissile to her normal attack and 3 additional Lost Souls to her pain state attack. DECORATE behavior was updated to reflect these changes. * (ZMAPINFO) The ending text now uses the BOSSBACK background graphic instead of a normal flat. * (Readme/EMAPINFO) Added Mechadon as a credit to MAP32 (at this point I guess I should given how much I've worked on it). * (Readme) Updated the WADINFO lump. * (Demo) Updated CoTeCiO's DEMO3 entry (old one borked because of a bug fix on MAP21). * (GFX) Made a tiny tweak to the M_THERML graphic. * (MAP01) Was sorta able to hide the COOP switch for SP games (its not perfect, but better than seeing the COOP sign). * (MAP01) Added a little diorama of the Soulsphere secret that you see in the orignal game via a camera (at the lift near the exit area). * (MAP01) Added some fence midtextures in the area just past the first lift (to help prevent confusion since it looks like the player can walk over those ledges). * (MAP05) At the switch which opens up the path to the RK and spawns Cacos, I moved the spawn closest to the switch/ledge back a bit so the player doesn't get stuck on it. * (MAP05) The Lost Souls that got released after getting to the switch that opens up the RK path are now released when the player gets the BK. * (MAP05) ^^^ Said Lost Souls are no longer deaf. * (MAP05) Added an extra Spectre on all difficulties to the western barrel area. He's stuck and can't get out of the barrels so the player gets a little extra satisfaction when blowing them up. * (MAP05) Cleaned the automap up a bit more. * (MAP06) Changed up the switch location slightly for the switch that opens up the path to the red key pedestal switch. Moved it so its much easier to see. Before it was tucked into a side-wall and could easily be missed. * (MAP06) Moved the GA in the western acid trench area so that it isn't a forced pickup (if you wanted to take the tele). Its now in a little alcove to the side near its old position. * (MAP07) Tweaked the switch shooting setup a bit so it doesn't look like the player is meant to run over to the switch and press it before the lift raises back up. The switches were pushed back into the wall, the texture was changed to the open-eye switch, and the lift section doesn't lower all the way to the ground anymore (this doesn't affect DeXiaZ's demo thankfully!). * (MAP11) Tweaked the teleport destinations a bit so they may not be as easy to exploit. * (MAP13) Slightly tweaked the exit area so that its harder to just run away from the spawning monsters. Now the player must go to the opposite side of the pillar they teleport behind of and press a switch to lower walls leading to the exit switch. * (MAP13) Added a few extra monsters behind the new lowering walls at the exit switch. * (MAP13) Did some additional automap clean-up. * (MAP14) The player could fall into an illusio-pit where the BK pedestal is if they walked over it just right. Countermeasures were in place for this (the pit had actions to raise back up), but it was less than ideal and also meant that the key could be grabbed without doing the intended setup. So a blocking fence was placed around the pedestal area and the actions to raise the pit up at its location were removed. * (MAP15) Made a minor tweak around the Soulsphere rock to the north so that players won't get stuck behind it (probably wasn't a problem, but wanted to tweak it just in case). * (MAP15) Added a hint for the switch which opens up the path to the BK. * (MAP15) Added a monster blocking barrier to the east of the BK area since Cacos had a bad habit of blocking the player and munching on them from above without being seen. * (MAP16) On the lift that lets players get in and out of the main courtyard, I got rid of the walk-over lift action in favor of another switch. I thought the walk-over action could be kinda annoying, especially in COOP games. * (MAP16) ^^^ Did the same for the lift that leads to the BK area. * (MAP16) Updated the library area - spruced up the visuals a bit, made each library area a bit different so its easier to navigate, redid the sound block lines and made some of the monsters deaf, and tweaked the last area so that the player can't see the Barons until they enter the room. * (MAP16) Added a small area just below the RK ledge that blocks monsters. This is so the player doesn't get totally stuck if there are monster roaming around in the main courtyard. * (MAP16) Cleaned up the automap a bit more. * (MAP16) Made the BK door/switch stand out a bit more. * (MAP16) Just in case the BA/blood pit trap is a bit too bullshit, I added a lift that lets the player get out if they get tricked into falling in. * (MAP18) Map seems just a tad bit too hard for its slot, so I made the multiplayer SSG in the starting room available for normal play. I put it on a pedestal which the player has to lower in order to get it. * (MAP18) Changed the SSG secret at the start to have a Plasma Gun and two cells instead. * (MAP18) Lit up the BK and RK doors in the starting area. The BK will reset to the darkest neighboring sector after you walk through it the first time. * (MAP18) Added an extra secret that is a carry-over from the original; its a hidden room in the BK area that has 2 boxes of rockets, 2 boxes of shells, and a backpack. * (MAP20) Added a few extra teleport spots around the map to mix it up a bit more. * (MAP25) Hid the COOP teleporter from SP games (starting room). * (MAP27, MAP27B) Was able to hide the COOP sign in the RL/Soulsphere pit trap after the player finishes up the sequence. Also the COOP switch was moved closer to the BK door/lift so that its not nearly as visible to players in the trap (but still accessible to COOP players). * (MAP28) I was able to hide the COOP teleporter for the BK trap after the player grabs the BK. * (MAP28) I was also able to hide the COOP teleporter from SP players at the 3-key area to the east. * (MAP29) Got rid of the COOP teleporters that open up at the SSG fight. It was too difficult to hide them properly, so I altered the setup. The blocking walls now act as lifts from the opposite side, so COOP players can lower them to get inside. * (MAP29) The door that opens up (leading to the triggers that let the Cybers loose) was lit up and changed to a marble face texture so it stands out a bit more. * (MAP29) At the Soulsphere ledge to the west, I added some simple doors that use tag 666. These close once the Cybers are let loose, and then reopen once they are killed. This seals off the eastern area entirely until the Cybers are killed. * (MAP32) Got rid of the monster blocking lines next to the two doors in the starting area. Changed the normal DR action on the first to do a SR action so that the Spectres won't open it from the other side. * (MAP32) Changed 1 of the Pain Elementals in the void that was pretty useless (because of impassible lines) to a Nightmare Cacodemon. Also changed one of the Hard tagged Cacos to a Nightmare Caco and added an extra Nightmare Caco on Hard (I figure since this is a secret map, its ok for them to make a guest appearance in SP). * (MAP32) Attempted to make the BK fight a bit harder. * (MAP32) Tweaked the area with the trigger that lowers the RK; just add some teleports to the fight so you don't have to deal with them all at once. And there's a mechanism that locks the player in so they can't just press the switch and high-tail it back to the RK so easily. * (MAP32) Farted around with making the map a bit darker to fit with the void theme. = (Motherdemon) Fixed a bug that would crash DOS Doom. There were 2 issues: When she called her flame attack, the last frame's codepointer was set to null which is a no-no in DOS Doom. This could also happen in her death state (though it would never get that far with the first bug in place). Both were fixed by moving those animation frames to ones with empty codepointers. = (Motherdemon) Fixed a timing discrepancy in the pain state in the DECORATE. = (GFX) Fixed the HELP screen crash by re-aligning the M_SKULL* gfx. = (MAP01) Fixed a minor texture misalignment at the very start of the map. = (MAP06) Made some texture alignment fixes. = (MAP13) Attempted to fix an issue where loading the game would break monster caches (thanks to some soundblock lines). I added some extra off-map sound sectors that should mitigate this somewhat; they open up at certain points in the map to allow sound to flow to the monster caches. = (MAP14) Tweaked the line actions for the pits in the courtyard to be SR just in case of an accidental line skip event. = (MAP15) Fixed the BFG ambush (some change broke the linked sound sector). = (MAP16) Fixed a very minor mistexture. = (MAP16) Fixed the sky windows from HOMing in some situations. = (MAP16) Fixed the YK glowing effect; the center was glowing faster or slower (not sure which) and it was out of sync with the rest of the sectors. = (MAP18) Merged the fixed version where the monsters in the closest in the starting room are made deaf (so they don't wake up too early). = (MAP18) Fixed an Aracnotron cache that had its teleporter line marked as Impassible for some reason. It didn't allow the Arachnotron to spawn in properly (also made it Multiplayer-only on Medium/Hard difficulties). = (MAP18) The DM starts were tagged as Multiplayer, so I removed that. = (MAP18) The Caco behind the marble face wall (southern part of map) was stuck because the sector wasn't tagged to lower properly. Just tagged it and it should be fixed. = (MAP21) The items that popped up out of the ground in the western hallway could trap a player in a pit if they walked over them just right. I had to change this up entirely by moving the items on pedestals which lower down to the player's level once they complete the BK area. = (MAP24) Fixed a platform in the maze area that was doing sector damage for no reason. = (MAP25) Fixed a HOM that occured in GlBoom+ in the north-west room with the light change effect. = (MAP25) Added a sector exit effect to the drop-down exit area in the rare case that the walk-over exit action is accidentally skipped by the player. = (MAP32) Fixed a monster cache that wasn't linked to a sound sector (didn't seem to break the map though). = (MAP32) Fixed a texture misalignment that I missed. ---------- Final 1.1 ---------- + Added some extra UI graphic replacements for fun (M_SKULL, thermo-slider, save/load background, screen borders, and disk icon). + Added more stuff to the super-secret. + Added CoTeCiO's MAP31 demo to the DEMO4 slot. * Updated the WADINFO lump (readme updates). * Redid DEMO5 because MAP31 was updated and broke the existing ones. * Moved DEMO4 to DEMO5 * (Motherdemon) Increased her HP from 8000 to 9000, increased mass from 8000 to 10000, decreased pain chance from 6 to 4, and added 4 extra chase states so her walk animation could be slowed down a bit. * (MAP06) Added an extra radsuit on Easy/Medium difficulties. * (MAP06) Fixed a glowing light on the switch that lowers the red key. * (MAP06) Added an extra hint next to the switch that opens up the metal bars. * (MAP06) Added a non-damaging floor near the teleporters/switch in the acid trench to give players a place to rest and a chance to hear the audio cue. * (MAP06) Added a monster blocking line on the doorway leading to the switch that lowers the RK. This is so the Imp can't come out and block the player from dropping down from above (but it still acts as a hint on which direction to go). * (MAP09) Tweaked the teleport destination that leads to the YK diorama switch so that new players don't get confused and miss it entirely (destination was flipped to face into the corridor). * (MAP10) The trigger for the switch which builds the stairs leading to the exit has been moved so its harder for players to miss it. * (MAP18) Hid the lines of the secret at the start of the map. * (MAP18) Fixed an exploit where the player could let monsters spawn into the starting area and easily pick them off because of a monster blocking line (not sure if this was intentional? seemed kinda cheap though). * (MAP18) Removed a secret line action in the BK room which lowered the teleporter down before you did the puzzle. I think this was for DM? But it makes the BK trap exploitable if the player finds it, and DM players can just go through the puzzle to open the area up anyway. * (MAP18) Made the monsters in the BK room deaf. * (MAP19, MAP19B) Moved the line that opens up the wall next to the switch that builds to the stairs leading to the exit. It's closer to said switch now. * (MAP19, MAP19B) The Chaingunners near the drop-down trap (near the exit) where moved closer together and farther away from the stairs so they can't be seen too early. * (MAP21) Cleaned up the automap some more. * (MAP24) Cleaned up the automap. * (MAP24) Tweaked the teleport setup for the super-secret; now you will teleport back to the start of the map. This allows players another chance at getting the secrets in that area if they missed them the first go round. * (MAP24) Had to make some minor simplifications to the super-secret to get rid of a drawseg overflow. * (MAP24) Removed the COOP sign in the teleport in the starting area (since its useful in SP games now...still works as a COOP tele though). * (MAP31) Hid all of the lines for the DM sections of the map and did some additional automap cleanup. * (MAP31) Added a subtle hint for the GA secret. * (MAP32) Tweaked the shootable switch secret near the RK area so that its harder to spot. = (MAP02, MAP19, MAP27, MAP30) Voodoo dolls were broken on the easiest difficulty because of how the game handles the player's damage reduction there. Fixed this by adding 'Easy' flagged exploder objects which are 1-mp diagonally closer to the voodoo doll. = (MAP02, MAP02B) Fixed some multiplayer Shotgunners that didn't have any difficulty tags. = (MAP06) The switch that lowers the RK was marked as requiring the RK, but should have revealed those key textures instead. = (MAP09) Fixed an unused Nightmare Imp in a monster spawner (normal Imp was tagged as Easy/Medium, so I tagged this guy as Hard). = (MAP10) Fixed the issue with the Yellow and Red key where the player could bump into the pedestal holding them and grab them without lowering them first. = (MAP14) Fixed an issue with the monster spawners in ZDoom-based ports. = (MAP14) The invisible Megasphere pillar was causing some sort of glitch in GLBoom, so it was changed back to a textured pillar (along with other minor tweaks). = (MAP14) Added extra exit actions and a sector exit action in the event that the player line skips the intended exit action on accident and falls into an inescapable pit (which I did while testing). = (MAP18) Fixed stuck monsters in the southern area of the map. = (MAP18) Fixed a stuck Hell Knight & Nightmare Imp in a monster spawner (western part of map). = (MAP18) Fixed the exploit in the BK room where the player could easily get the key if they don't wake up the monsters. In order to start the trap, the switch was changed to a gunfire one. = (MAP19, MAP19B) Fixed a tiny misalignment in the area with the switch that builds the stairs leading to the exit. = (MAP19, MAP19B) Changed the door that leads to the exit chamber to no longer require the YK. This was a hold-over from the original map which requires it, but the player is able to see the door before getting the YK. This is not the case in this version of the map. = (MAP19, MAP19B) Aligned the blue rock walls in the YK area. = (MAP24) Fixed some gaps in the northern maze area where it was possible (but unlikely) that a player could fall down into the lava and get stuck. = (MAP29) GZDB was complaining about a borked line even thought it was ok. I fiddled with it and it seemed to be fine, but the map was updated regardless. = (MAP30B) Fixed the Motherdemon arena trigger in the Boom-format version of the map. It was using a fast door instead of a normal door, so the Motherdemon fight would start way too early. = (MAP30, MAP30B) Fixed a bug where if you pressed the key switches really quickly, sometimes the lowering floors that block the corner teleport alcoves would get stuck (something to do with the crushers, I think...its a weird vanilla~ism). The floors now lower instantly. = (MAP31) Fixed a stuck Cacodemon that would show up in COOP games (BK room). = (MAP32) Fixed the Barons that spawn in at the Blue Key trap. Sometimes they could get caught on the corners of the blocking wall that raises from the ground. = (MAP32) Removed 3D mode camera from the map. = Fixed the SS_END marker that was causing some ports to crash. ---------- Final 1.0 ---------- + Added final Motherdemon sprites by Cage (woohoo!) + Added Boom-version of maps that make use of voodoo dolls (MAP02, MAP19, MAP27, and MAP30). These are denoted with a 'B' at the end of their lump name. + Added opening title demos (Mechadon, DeXiaZ, and CoTeCiO). + Added special DEMO4 lump (Mechadon). + Added cleaned-up versions of STEP1 and STEP2 (flats). + Added tweaked versions of the following patches - WALL42_3, WALL53_1, & WALL55_1 (Da Werecat). + Added new animated versions of RSKY1TAL (that will work in ZDoom-based ports, thanks to Da Werecat). + Added back the 'extended' versions of some tracks by CoTeCiO. They are pointed to in the MAPINFOs; simplified versions are used in vanilla and ports that don't have MAPINFO support. + Added ZMAPINFO lump. + Added EDFROOT lump; adds obituraries for the new monsters as well as an updated ending cast call. + Added an updated casting call (ZMAPINFO lump) that adds the new monsters to the roster (works in ZDoom based ports only). + Added super-secret. * Updated WADINFO lump. * Updated MAP01 (by Da Werecat & Mechadon) * Updated MAP02 (by Mechadon & Da Werecat) * Updated MAP03 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP04 (by Da Werecat & Mechadon) * Updated MAP05 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP06 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP08 (by Da Werecat) * Updated MAP09 (by Da Werecat) * Updated MAP11 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP12 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP13 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP14 (by Da Werecat & DILDOMASTER666) * Updated MAP15 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP17 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP18 (by Megalyth & Mechadon) * Updated MAP19 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP21 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP22 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP23 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP24 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP25 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP26 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP27 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP28 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP29 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP30 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP31 (by TwinBeast) * Updated MAP32 (by Mechadon & Da Werecat) * Updated MAP33 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP01's simplified music (small bug fix by CoTeCiO). * MAP11's track has been moved to MAP24. * MAP11 now uses the track Sanity Decay by CoTeCiO. * MAP14 now uses the track Painful Dreams by CoTeCiO (previous track had issues in Chocolate Doom). * MAP21's track has been changed (Watch Your Rock by CoTeCiO). * All of the Doom and Doom II tracks that are being used were re-ripped from the iwads as MUS lumps (apparently DOS Doom would choke on the midi versions). * Swapped out the statusbar for the tech bar again (hell/marble bar will be included separately). * Made a very slight adjustment to the statusbar (around the mugshot background). * Updated the blue cloudy lightning sky with Da Werecat's awesome new lightning and foreground artwork (with a tiny bit of help from Mechadon). * Updated the RSKY1S and RSKY1TAL textures (Da Werecat). * Updated the RSKY5S and RSKY5TAL textures (Da Werecat). * The tall sky textures were tweaked in the TEXTURE1 lump so they should align better in some ports. * Updated the LANGUAGE lump with the intermission texts (used in the ZMAPINFO lump). * Updated the WFALL* textures (Da Werecat). * Updated the TEKLONG texture (Da Werecat). * Updated the CREDIT graphic. * Updated CoTeCiO's music tracks with slightly simplified/tweaked versions so they sound better in OPL. * Updated the EMAPINFO lump to use Da Werecat's tweaked skies (specific to Eternity). * Updated the GAMEINFO lump with a few nifty extras (Da Werecat). * Updated the WADINFO lump. * Voodoo doll setups were altered so that they use an infinitely exploding objects in place of a crushed barrel to move the dolls forward (this should help prevent any oddities that might pop up in vanilla). All maps that made use of voodoo dolls have been updated with this new setup. * The monster spawners (used in MAP30) are now killable. This allows for a more graceful way of ending the spawning enemies, and should prevent any oddities that might occur with crushing monsters in closets forever. * Added Da Werecat as an author credit for MAP14. * The Motherdemon behavior has been modified so that it works with its new sprites. Some of its general behaviors have been tweaked a bit to get the animations looking good and also to help balance it out more. * The Motherdemon's attacking behavior has also been overhauled. It no longer spews endless attacks when its target is in sight. Now it fires a blast of Rev rockets and Manc fireballs, then follows that up with a targeted Archvile flame attack. When it goes into its pain state, it will recoil first and then quickly spawn a Lost Soul before returning to its chase state. * More frames were added to the Motherdemon's FaceTarget sequence during its Archvile flame attack (so now it should better face its target when attacking). * The pain chance for the Motherdemon has been reduced to 6 (was 10). * Increased the Motherdemon's mass from 3000 to 8000. * Increased the Motherdemon's speed from 22 to 25. * Tweaked the animation timing on the Motherdemon so its less likely that its pain sound will get cut off. * Updated the Motherdemon's decorate so its up to parity with the dehacked behavior. * Changed the Motherdemon's obiturary message so it didn't copy the Mastermind's obiturary message. * Updated the GLDEFS lump to give the Motherdemon some lighting effects during its Archvile flame attack. = The MAPINFO was choking on the some of the options in ZDaemon. This has been fixed by removing the offending entries in the MAPINFO and creating a ZMAPINFO for the ports that can make use of the options (thanks damo2k for the help here). = Fixed the author entry for MAP05 to include Mechadon as a credit. = Fixed a typo in the first intermission text (thanks to Da Werecat for pointing it out). = Fixed the popping sfx in the MAP30 Motherdemon fight (thanks to Da Werecat for providing the new blank sfx lumps). = Zandronum was choking on the attenuate property in the GLDEFS lump when running the wad in OpenGL rendering. So these were commented out to fix the issue. ---------- Version 8 ---------- + Added a partially complete WADINFO lump (its just the w.i.p. readme file). + Added GLDEFS lump with light definition for the new objects that needed them. + Added music to MAP01 (Extradimensional Beings by CoTeCiO). + Added music to MAP04 (Blackness Ahead by CoTeCiO). + Added music to MAP08 (Zephyr Zone Infiltration Method by Viscra Maelstrom). + Added music to MAP09 (The Dark City by Viscra Maelstrom). + Added music to MAP10 (Suspense by Robert Prince). + Added music to MAP18 (Butt Clencher by Jimmy). + Added music to MAP21 (Donna to the Rescue by Robert Prince) + Added music to MAP24 (Crystal Peaks by Viscra Maelstrom). + Added music to MAP31 (Dream, Dream Eternal by DILDOMASTER666) + Added music to MAP33; will work in advanced ports only (Doom 64: Main Theme (from Aubrey Hodges) by Michael Barrette (modified by DILDOMASTER666)). + Added a tweaked GENMIDI lump by CoTeCiO. + Added new alternate statusbar graphics (trying to see which people like more, one or the other will be included as an extra in the final release). + Added CONBACK graphic. + Addded new texture TEKLONG. + Added flame sprites cropped from the flaming barrel. + Added a mostly complete CREDIT graphic (will likely be updated before the final release). + Added vertically seamless versions of SKY3TALL and SKY3ATAL so the warping effects in (G)ZDoom doesn't look bad when you see the edges of the texture. + Added new sound effects for the Motherdemon (by Mechadon and DeXiaZ). * Updated MAP01 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP02 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP03 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP04 (by Da Werecat) * Updated MAP05 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP06 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP07 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP08 (by Da Werecat) * Updated MAP09 (by Da Werecat) * Updated MAP10 (by Da Werecat) * Updated MAP12 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP14 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP16 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP17 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP18 (by Megalyth) * Updated MAP19 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP21 (by _bruce_ & Mechadon) * Updated MAP22 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP24 (by _bruce_) * Updated MAP28 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP29 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP30 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP31 (by TwinBeast) * Updated MAP33 (by Mechadon) * Changed the music for MAP02 (Dark Halls by Robert Prince). * Changed the title music to a shorter version by CoTeCiO. This version won't get cut off when the demo reels plays. * Changed the intermission music to a version that's not broken in vanilla (Departure1 by CoTeCiO). * Changed the sky texture for MAP26 to use SKY3TALL/SKY3TALS. * Tweaked the TITLEPIC to remove the Midway and id Software logos (they appear on the CREDIT graphic instead). * Updated the Doom 64 Intermission music (by CoTeCiO) with his simplified version so that it plays correctly in vanilla. * Converted all MUS tracks to MIDI (mostly for consistency, but also in the hopes that it might fix some music bugs in some ports). * Updated the SNDINFO lump to define the new Motherdemon sound effects. * Updated the DECORATE lump to define the new Motherdemon sound effects. * Updated the DEHACKED lump to define the new Motherdemon sound effects. * Updated the ANIMDEFS lump to use the new seamless fire sky textures, and to remove the warping on the short verions. * Updated the EMAPINFO to update a map credit for MAP08. * Added the "compat_sectorsounds 1" CVAR to all map entries in the MAPINFO lump. * In addition to the above, most of the compat options used for Doom (strict) compatiblity in ZDoom were added and enabled in the MAPINFO. * The Motherdemon now has a 25 tic delay at the start of its pain "attack" where it plays a pain sound. * Changed up the sound priorities for the Motherdemon in the dehackd, even though it doesn't seem to work...... * The non-blocking hanging body has been fixed so that it no longer clips into the ceiling. * The non-blocking burning barrel has been updated to use new sprites; the dehacked has been updated to use them. * The decorate entry for the non-blocking burning barrel has been updated so it uses the new flame sprites. * Added the NOTELEFRAG flag to the Motherdemon so ZDoom players can't quickly kill it by luring it into the spawning rooms. * Replaced the silent boss brain sound effects with true empty effects (should get rid of the faint static sound that you can sometimes hear). ---------- Version 7b ---------- * Updated MAP01 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP08 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP14 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP29 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP31 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP32 (by Mechadon) ---------- Version 7 ---------- * Updated MAP01 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP02 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP03 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP04 (by Da Werecat) * Updated MAP05 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP06 (by dt_ & Mechadon) * Updated MAP07 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP09 (by Da Werecat) * Updated MAP10 (by Da Werecat) * Updated MAP12 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP13 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP15 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP16 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP17 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP19 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP20 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP22 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP25 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP26 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP27 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP28 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP29 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP30 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP32 (by Mechadon) * Updated the SW*DIRT texture so its animation is consistent. * Updated the SW*BRN2 texture so it makes use of the updated background patch. * Updated the SW4S* patches. Instead of replacing them with the vanilla ones, I updated them so they had the good bits from the old, dirty ones. * Updated the TTALL1_2 patch so it tiles vertically a bit nicer. * Changed the name of the short sky patches (RSKY1S, RSKY2S, RSKY3S, etc). Perhaps this will help with mod compatiblity. * Updated the Cyberdemon and Motherdemon so that their death animations are now lit. * Updated the Motherdemon so its first attack frame and subsequent A_FaceTarget frames are not lit. * Removed the shotgun attack sound from the Motherdemon. * Updated the intermission texts so they make more sense (should be final unless someone comes up with something better). * Updated the music for MAP15 (Adrian's Asleep from Doom II by Robert Prince). * Updated the statusbar with some readability edits and fixes an issue with the arms display (by Cage & Mechadon)). + Added music to MAP05 (The Imp's Song from Ultimate Doom by Robert Prince). + Added music to MAP06 (Fear by CoTeCiO). + Added music to MAP17 (Sanity Slip by Viscra Maelstrom). + Added DECORATE lump with recreations of the dehacked work (along with some minor additions for ZDoom players). + Added LANUAGE lump which added obits for the new monsters and other minor things. + Added dehacked tweak to frame 895 which prevents the resurrection of ghost monsters (thanks to Da Werecat for this info). + Added special parameters to each weapon's firing state which offset thier sprites to the default position when firing (thanks to Da Werecat for this info). + Added new M_DOOM graphic by Cage. + Added new TITLEPIC, INTERPIC, BOSSBACK, and HELP graphic by Cage (with some help from Mechadon). + Added temporary base CREDIT graphic (by Mechadon). + Added new ENDOOM graphic (by Mechadon). + Added cleaned up RW28_2 and RW36_2 patches (courtesy of Da Werecat). + Added larger versions of the patches RW42_4, RW44_2, and RW44_4 (by Mechadon). The TEXTURE1 entries was updated to reflect this. + Added a tweaked version of FLAT20 that has a tiny bit of variation between the tiles. + Added new MARBFAC5 texture based off of the Motherdemon head (by Cage). + Added new DEM2_* flats (based off of the MARBFAC5 texture by Cage). + Added WFALL* textures (used the unreleased alpha textures, may replace them with Plutonia-style if they aren't any good). + Added new Nightmare Imp fireball sprites for ZDoom-based ports (its a recolor of the original Imp fireball). + Added "compat_sectorsounds 1" for MAP09 in the MAPINFO. + Added clusterdefs and intermission texts to the MAPINFO. = Fixed the cluster definition so that the first intermission text pops up after MAP06, not MAP07. ---------- Version 6 ---------- + Added new statusbar graphics, needs input. * Updated MAP02 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP09 (by Da Werecat) * Updated MAP10 (by Da Werecat) * Updated MAP19 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP21 (by _bruce_) * Updated MAP23 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP24 (by _bruce_) * Updated MAP26 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP27 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP28 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP29 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP30 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP31 (by TwinBeast) ---------- Version 5 ---------- + Added first version of MAP06: Outpost Omega (by dt_). + Added first version of MAP08: Alpha Quadrant (by Archvile Hunter). + Added first version of MAP18: Dark Entries (by Megalyth). + Added first version of MAP21: Watch Your Step (by _bruce_). + Added first version of MAP28: Unholy Temple (by _bruce_ & Mechadon & DILDOMASTER666). + Added first version of MAP29: No Escape (by DILDOMASTER666 & Mechadon). + Added first version of MAP30: The Absolution (by Mechadon). + Added music for MAP19 (Lurking by CoTeCiO). + Added music for MAP25 (Getting Too Tense from Doom II by Robert Prince). + Added music for MAP27 (Sign of Evil from Doom by Robert Prince). + Added music for MAP28 (Demons on the Prey from Doom by Robert Prince). + Added music for MAP29 (A Lot to Learn by DILDOMASTER666). + Added blanked out sprites of the spawn cube. + Added silent versions of the DSBOSPIT, DSBOSSIT, and DSBOSCUB sound effects. * Updated the authors in the EMAPINFO lump. * Updated MAP01 (by DILDOMASTER666) * Updated MAP02 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP04 (by Da Werecat) * Updated MAP05 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP07 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP10 (by Da Werecat) * Updated MAP11 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP12 (by Saint_Guy & Mechadon) * Updated MAP13 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP14 (by DILDOMASTER666) * Updated MAP15 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP16 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP17 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP19 (by DILDOMASTER666 & Mechadon) * Updated MAP22 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP24 (by _bruce_) * Updated MAP25 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP27 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP31 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP33 (by Mechadon) * Changed the music for MAP22 (Waltz of the Demons from Doom by Robert Prince). * Changed the music for MAP23 (Defensive Personalities from Death by DILDOMASTER666). * Changed the music for MAP26 (Animated Spectre by DILDOMASTER666). * Updated the sky for MAP28: Unholy Temple so that it uses the green fire sky. * Updated the SKY2/SKY2TALL textures so they have a bit more detail in areas (by Da Werecat and Mechadon). * Updated the spawn cube so it flies 3x faster. * Updated the Motherdemon so it moves faster and attacks a bit quicker. ---------- Version 4 ---------- + Added WADINFO lump (empty for now). + Added GAMEINFO lump for ZDoom (ensures that Doom 2 Iwad is used). + Added ANIMDEFS lump for the warping of the fire skies. + Added SNDINFO lump. + Added EMAPINFO. + Added some new fixed Doom 2 textures (some by Mechadon). + Added COOPSIGN texture to help signpost COOP-only areas (by Mechadon). + Added intermission texts from Doom 64. Most of the texts are from the secret levels, so these are kind of temporary at the moment (will need to alter them so they make more sense). + Added MAP02 (by Blastfrog & Mechadon) + Added music to MAP03 (The Demons from Adrian's Pen from Doom by Robert Prince). + Added music to MAP11 (Can You Hold The Scream by CoTeCiO). + Added music to MAP12 (Opening to Hell from Doom 2 by Robert Prince). + Added music to MAP13 (Sinister from Doom by Robert Prince). + Added music to MAP16 (They're Going to Get You from Doom by Robert Prince). + Added music to MAP20 (Inappropriate Behavior by CoTeCiO). + Added music to MAP23 (Lurking by CoTeCiO). + Added music to MAP26 (Gunfire! by CoTeCiO). + Added placeholder lumps for the each music track. + Added lightning effects to MAP13, MAP14, MAP15, and MAP17. + Added a slow sky scrolling effects to MAP16. + Added ZDoom warping effects to the fire sky textures. + Added a thunder crash sound effect (from Skulltag). + Added a SNDINFO lump for the thunder crash sound. * Updated MAP03 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP12 (by Saint_Guy) * Updated MAP13 (by MinerOfWorlds & Mechadon) * Updated MAP16 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP20 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP26 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP27 (by Mechadon) * Redid SKY4/SKY4TALL so it looks a little bit better. Also added a lightning strike animation for the tall version. * Updated the MAPINFO to fix a few minor things (change skies, music, etc). * The map names in the dehacked were updated so they have level numbers. * Updated the Motherdemon's name in the monster casting at the end of the game. = Fixed the sky for MAP27 in the MAPINFO so it uses the red/yellow firey sky, not the green one. = Fixed the sprite offsets of the Motherdemon's last couple frames of death animation. = Fixed the map names for MAP31 & MAP32 in the dehacked (they were swapped). = Removed a duplicate SKY3 entry in the TEXTURE1 lump. !! MAP01 does not have COOP starts. !! MAP02's blue key trap is slightly buggy in that one of the switch hallways will use the wrong flat transition if it is picked to be the "correct" hallway (should be water if its correct). This whole setup is really tricky so I don't know if I can fix it. !! MAP05 has a non-COOP Nightmare Cacodemon which should not exist (just need to swap out the gore object). !! MAP31's 3-key exit does not exit to MAP32. !! MAP32's music doesn't loop in Chocolate Doom. !! MAP33 has some massive SEGS overflows. Also the sky doesn't look great in it because you can see way under the horizon at the start. I don't know if this should be considered a problem or not though... ---------- Version 3 ---------- + Added the Motherdemon. It replaces the Spidermastermind and has a number of different attacks. Killing it ends the level. Tweaking may be necessary. + Added music for MAP15 (composer unknown at this time). + Added music for MAP22 (composer unknown at this time). + Added a non-blocking flaming barrel object for MAP16: Dark Citadel. It replaces the Dead Lost Soul object. + Implemented Blastfrog's cosmetic dehacked fixes. + Added new skies for the third episode. These are attempts at "fire" skies, although they aren't animated. - Removed the changes to the Lost Soul (it uses the vanilla behavior now). - Removed the changes to the Pistol, Chaingun, and Rocket-in-flight. * The Nightmare Imp now has the same speed as a regular Imp. * The Nightmare Cacodemon now has the same health as a regular Cacodemon. * Made the Doom 2 hanging bodies non-blocking (mostly as a preventative measure, I can undo this if need be). * Updated MAP11 (by MinerOfWorlds) * Updated MAP15 (by Pedro VC) * Updated MAP16 (by DeXiaZ & Mechadon) * Updated MAP22 (by Pedro VC) * Updated MAP23 (by Mechadon) * Updated MAP25 (by DeXiaZ) ---------- Version 2 ---------- - Removed Da Werecat's MAP03. - Removed the new textures that were a part of Da Werecat's MAP03 submission. I did keep the fixed vanilla patches though. + Added a new Dehacked patch (by Obsidian). The following things were changed/added: Pistol and Chaingun are slightly faster firing, Rockets fly a bit faster, Cyberdemons call the KeenDeath codepointer as they die, the new Nightmare Imp has been added (replaces the Keen monster), a new Nightmare Cacodemon has been added (replaces bloody mess 2), the Lost Souls are more like their Doom 64 counterparts (less health, more aggressive), and the map names have also been added (the MAP## bits had to be removed so they would all fit). The new Motherdemon boss will come later. + Added a new Title track (by Fisk). + Added a new MAP03 (by Mechadon). + Added a new music track for MAP14 (by Fisk). + Added a new D_READ_M track (by Fisk). + Added new TITLEPIC, M_DOOM, and BOSSBACK graphics (by Blastfrog). These may get replaced if something more custom gets made. * Updated MAP01 with a newer, updated version (by Fisk). * Updated MAP07 (tech theme version, maybe some fixes too) (by DeXiaZ). * Updated MAP11 (by Mechadon). Changes the theme of the map from Hell to Techbase theme. Also adds a bit more detail and cleans up the visuals. Added COOP monsters/ammo and made some other gameplay changes. Killing the Cyberdemon now opens up the exit room. * Updated MAP13 with the first finished version (by MinerOfWorlds). * Updated MAP14 with a newer version (by Fisk). * Updated MAP20 (by Mechadon). Cleans up the detailing/lighting, balances out the final fight (HKs/Barons are COOP-only now), and adds some COOP-only monsters/ammo. Cyberdemon death will open up the way to the exit trigger. * Updated MAP26 (by Mechadon). Fixed a VPO and cleans up the detailing/lighting. Gameplay structure has changed a bit so it reflects the Doom 64 map a bit better. COOP monsters/ammo have been added as well. Also the Cyberdemon death now opens up the exit doors. * Updated MAP30 with a newer version (by Fisk). * Updated the TEXTURE1/PNAMES lumps to (hopefully) fix some bugs. * Updated SKY3 and SKY3ALT with slightly better looking version (though they may still be placeholders if something better gets made). * Updated the MAPINFO lump. !! In MAP11 (Cat and Mouse), there's a weird ghost wall near the start that I'm not sure how to diagnose or fix. To reproduce, walk backwards and then to the left directly from the start. Fire some rockets into the wall (northwards) and you should see them pass through. !! I got a crash on MAP24 (Breakdown) near the start while testing in Chocolate Doom. I haven't been able to reproduce it though. = Fixed the broken STEP2 patch replacement.