Staying up later than I should, I was just about to head off to bed right before I decided to take a quick wander over to my beloved GameHits forum from the years of yonder. 9 times out of 10, nothing new is posted; the forum has been buried by all of the dust it’s collecting these days. Occasionally an oldie AC friend from those golden days will post something, making me giddy with nostalgia. But most of the time it’s a ghost town. Sorta sad really.
Until I saw this thread. I’m sure if you’ve ever had a conversation with me, I’ve brought up that I’m a pretty crazy Armored Core fan. As of late though, AC4 and its sequel has left me kinda trigger-shy when it comes to From Software’s newest ventures in it’s super Japanese robot killing franchise. AC4 was ok and it’s sequel was slightly better, but they weren’t really up to snuff when I compare the fun times I had with Master of Arena, Another Age, and Silent Line, quite possibly the 3 best Armored Core games to date (in my entirely humble and unbiased opinion, of course ). Yes, I am a bitter fanboy who longs for the old days of Armored Core….shaddup
. Heh, I won’t even begin to get into a long-winded rant about AC here; unless you’ve played the game or have been active in it’s community, I would just be wasting my breathe. But even given my past experiences with the next-gen Armored Core games, I always secretly held out hope that they would continue the franchise with a 5th lineup. It’s actually one of the biggest reason why I even bothered purchasing a 360. The AC franchise hasn’t been all that popular here in the states; the AC3 and SL years were the “golden” years as far as stateside popularity is concerned. I wasn’t even sure if they would port AC:For Answer to the states or not, and I was somewhat relieved when they did, even though I was expecting pretty much the same dismal flavor of game that was given to us in AC4. And my hope that they will port AC5 stateside is pretty much just as bleak as it stands right now. I guess I’ll just have to sit back and see what the news brings. Needless to say, I’m glad I stayed up late. Although I’m pretty sure all glad and happy feelings will be long gone when I have to wake up in 3 hours