Supplice – it’s canned

Sorry guys, just isn’t gonna work out D:

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. April who?


    (apparently I am the fool today :fripfrop: )

  2. I’m sorry I couldn’t come up with an April fools joke that isn’t lame and cliche. It was 4 in the morning…too early to think up elaborate shenanigans :P

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^_^ ^_- D: >:( <3 ;_; ;) :| :wub: :trippy: :sun: :strain: :star: :sleep: :shake: :rad: :nod: :ninja: :nerd: :meganerd: :lol: :like: :info: :idea: :hot: :grind: :fripfrop: :focus: :evilgrin: :encheph: :embarrass: :drool: :derp: :ded: :blarg: :automa: :arrowr: :arrowl: :] :S :P :O :D :?: :3 :) :( :!: 0_0 -_^ -_-

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