About Me
Hello! My name is Brett Harrell and I’m big fan of Doom and level design. I’ve been making maps and mods for Doom since around 2003/2004. This is my seldom updated blog + portfolio. You can check out all of my Doom-related releases HERE or trawl through all of my dumb blog posts I’ve made over the years. If you’re here reading this, then that’s probably all your interested in. But if for some reason you want to know more, feel free to contact me; I go by Mechadon in most corners of the internet that I lurk in. Other contact info can be found below.
Contact Info
Email is probably the quickest way to contact me. I lurk Twitter as well, so try that if email doesn’t work for some reason. And if those don’t work, try contacting me via the Doomworld or ZDoom forums.
Thanks for stopping by!