Site updates, downdates, sidewaysdates, etc.

Amazing breakthroughs in Meka-Technology

So you may notice some pretty new updates to the site (again). I was curious how Agent Spork was able to have seperate blogs on his page. Apparently up until his latest update to his site he had multiple copies of WordPress installed (which is what I figured). While I was on, I didn’t really have that option. And as it turned out, it was a pain to keep up with since you had to update both installations of WordPress separately. Anyways, I asked him about this a few days ago, and he figured out a new way to do this. He pointed me to this plugin called the Advanced Category Excluder…which does pretty much what the names describes. However I was having some trouble getting it to work…until just a few minutes ago! The problem was whenever I wanted to link to a particular category (in this case, the “Updates” category) it would take me to the archive of that particular category. I wanted a seemless setup where it looked as though I had to separate blogs on the same site, so linking to the archive of a category wasn’t what I wanted. Spork then mentioned to me that he had a custom category.php file that was very similar to his index.php. I looked through my theme’s files and I couldn’t find a category.php file…but I did find an archive.php file. So, I backed up my current archive.php file, exported my index.php file, renamed it to archive.php, and then uploaded it into my theme’s directory. Viola! It works like a charm :D. So now there is a separate section of the site where I can post my site updates apart from my Mekablog. Pretty cool, eh?

I’ve also made a few other minor updates here and there. I have added and updated my links to include Warhouse,, and Doom Builder 2. I also got rid of my “Other” page since most of what I’ll be posting, content wise, can all go in the “Design” page. The “About” page has been renamed “Info” (and I’ll likely add to it in the future). I’ve also condensed and simplified my post categories. That’s pretty much it :]

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