Mappin’ on down to mappin’ town
And now for some Doom stuff!
So recently I finished up detailing and prettifying Jimmy91’s CC4 map “Suburbia. It took me a few weeks once I started back on it; slightly longer than I had anticipated but I had fun working on it nonetheless. As I’ve said before, I tend to stress out a bit more when doing work on someone else’s map. This time I wasn’t so stressed, although there were a few hurdles to jump over. The map is very varied in the texture theme department; brick n’ stone, techbase, hell, gothic, and a little bit of everything else inbetween. Getting all of those texture themes to mesh in a way that didn’t look weird or just plain fugly took a little bit of thought and care, but in the end it came out pretty good. I think you guys will really enjoy this map. I’ve already posted some shots at the Doomworld CC4 thread but I wanted to throw some here to. So here ya go:

My plans after finishing up Jimmy’s map were to start work back up on Vela Pax. And so that’s what I did! About a week and a few days ago, I started grinding away on the next map in my crosshairs; MAP05. The map is entitled “Delirium” and is going to be a hell themed map. In case you, the reader, have forgotten, this map is going to be a detailed and expanded version of Dominion of Madness; a speedmap I released a while back. However it’s very likely that most of the original map (gameplay and detail) will be changed drastically or even completely different. The basic texture theme is consisting of marble/wood/metal so far while the structures and feeling of the map are going to be foreboding and massive. I’m looking to keep the map’s size and length somewhere around medium-ish, though I may go nuts again and have it turn out to be some huge, 1 1/2 hours marathon It’s shaping up pretty well and I’m enjoying the work though! I just posted some screenshots on the Vela Pax thread at Doomworld, so I figured I’d whore them out here as well. Here they are:

The areas in these shots are still very much work-in-progress; no lighting or thing placement done yet and everything is subject to change.
So I’m going to continue working on this map in the coming days and weeks. I’ll be sure to drop some more updates and screenshots when I can on the Vela Pax thread at Doomworld, so be sure to check in every now and again. I’m also trying to keep the Wads in Progress page up to date but it seems that whomever does the update approval has been busy. So it might take a while before my update go through over there. In the mean time, I would love to hear comments and the such