Look, up in the sky, its Updates!
Hey dudes! It’s time for another round o’ Mekworx updates, yea!
So first thing is first, Mekworx has been updated to use WordPress 4.1.1. Some plugins have also been updated alongside that, but who cares about that stuff.
Secondly, the Design page has been updated with two projects that I’ve recently contributed to – 32in24-14 and 50 Shades of Graytall. 32in24-14 was released at the beginning of this year and I contributed a total of 1 map in that session. 50 Shades of Graytall is still in progress but a test beta can be grabbed from the project’s thread (direct link for Beta 3 can be grabbed HERE for the lazy). If you want to know more about those contributions, or see some screenshots, just visit those pages.
Since it has been almost 3 years since I wrote it, I also updated the Info page a bit. So if you really care, go and check that out.
Want a project update while your here? Are you sure? Well ok, if you say so…
Vela Pax: No work has been done since Summer/Fall ’14. I’m looking to jump back on it pretty soon though, and hopefully get MAP04 and a new public test candidate out soon.
Supplice: In a twist of fate, I have actually been doing quite a bit of work on it in the past couple of months. If you follow me on my Twitter, I’ve posted a few silly screenshots of sprites and whatnot. If your observant, you may be able to divine something different about the project (something I haven’t announced yet, but its kind of obvious from those images). Unfortunately most of the work I’m doing right now can’t really be shown off with screenshots. What we’re hoping to do sometime soon is have another big round of screenshots with new content to show off, along with some announcements. Until then though, all I can say is that its being worked on.
As a parting gift, here are some of those work-in-progress screenshots from Supplice that I mentioned