- Project Name: Supplice
- Game: Doom II
- Engine Needed: Boom Compatible
- Game Type: Single Player/Cooperative
- # of Maps: -/-
- Status: In Progress
- Release Date: -/-
You are a UAC terraformer worker stationed on a faraway planet named Methuselah. Methuselah is an ancient planet which orbits an odd binary star system. The UAC is interested in Methuselah because of some unknown temporal anomalies that surround it. It’s extreme distance from any other settlements prompts the UAC to experiment with a very powerful teleportation network called the Flux Engine. In order for the Flux Engine to be able to reach inter-solar settlements, a number of flux gates have to be created on other worlds so that teleportation traffic can hop out to distant worlds. It is the job of the engineers that traveled to Methuselah to build a flux gate which will link up to a another distant UAC base on a transitional world called Bellerophon. Shortly after the gate is activated for the first time, an old, withered man tumbles through the gate, his sanity completely lost. Hidden in his ramblings are the tells of a horrific invasion by otherworldly beasts. Rescue parties are sent through the gate, only to find a decrepit base, nearly falling apart at the seams and completely devoid of any life. Battle scars from long ago plaster the rusting base. Fearful of the unknown, the military stationed on Methuselah send a massive army through the gate to the base on Bellerophon in order to retake and repair it. Orders are sent to the the engineers on Methuselah to close the gate behind them. Days later, the gate reopens on its own, and a few marines shamble through, some missing limbs, others with their skin torn from their body. Before the engineers have a chance to react, demonic abominations start to flood through the gate. They quickly overwhelm what is left of Methuselah’s military and millions are slaughtered; the planet is overrun. As the population is decimated, the demons begin to die out slowly. You resolve to try and make it to the flux gate while the demons are dying out before being caught and slaughtered. You hope to make it back to the hopeful safety of an inter-soloar world. So you set off to get off of the dead planet before it’s too late. Although unbeknownst to you, it is already far, far too late.
Supplice is a Boom-compatible megawad for Doom II with the base port compatibility being MBF. The goal of the project is to create a set of singleplayer (possibly COOP) maps using all-new textures, graphics, sprites, sounds, and music. In addition there are a number of new monsters and some weapon alterations via dehacked. We are replacing so many things that Supplice is pretty much a partial TC at this point; some sounds and sprites will remain but most everything else will be replaced or tweaked from the original source content. There is a new color palette, all new objects and decorations, new sprites for all of the pickups and powerups, new weapon sprites, some new projectile sprites, brand new textures and flats, all new fonts and miscellaneous graphics, 5 new monsters (and maybe 2 more on the way), tweaks to three of the original weapons, some new music by Jimmy, and we’re also hoping for new sounds for the weapons, environment, and anything else we can replace.
The project will be separated into 6 episodes that are 5 maps long each, Scythe II style. Each episode will have it’s own theme and setting, following a skeleton story. The story is set in the Doom universe and is loosely connected to Doom and Doom II, though the only emphasis on story will come from the episodic flow, new graphics, and intermission texts (and probably a preface in a readme somewhere). The overall look and feel we’re going for is a sort of industrial and dark look, perhaps similar to Doom 64 and Quake II in some ways. To help facilitate that, we’re using all-new textures and new weapon sprites, among other things.
Gameplay will probably be varied, but overall paced with difficulty curves going up both within each episodes and between each episode. Ideally the map lengths will range from short to medium with a large map or two in each episode (but we’ll see how that works :P). The maps will be moderately detailed but focus on interesting layouts and encounters first.
4 Dec 2012That is very beautiful and interesting looking.
5 Dec 2012Thanks, happy to hear your like it
Vortex Cortex
7 Dec 2012Those are some very cool color schemes. Breathes a chilled breath of life into Doom vs the typical used-to-death palette. The textures and mapping fits right in w/ Doom, really does look like a “lost episode” or tangent of the saga, though a bit more advanced/detailed. I really like the use of the baked in lighting in some of the textures — It’s amazing how well it works in so many lighting environments even w/o brightmaps. The weapon looks neat. That matching banding with some textures and its “reflection” colors ties in things together nicely. Can’t wait to play it!
11 Dec 2013hope the project will be coming just hope its not forgoten
11 Dec 2013better get my angry face im fighting some new monsters >:(
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20 Dec 2013I can’t to see it it going to be exciting
20 Dec 2013oops forgot to add wait
20 Dec 2013but it’s nice to see the project speed up
21 Dec 2013But yeah keep up the good work
29 Dec 2013How is it going so far?
1 Jan 2014happy new year!

1 Jan 2014Haha, thanks AJ! I’m not sure if you saw the 20th anniversary DM showcase (maybe you were directed from that post?). But we are ever so slowly making progress on this project. At the moment it is still on hiatus as we try to finish up other projects, but Jimmy, Cage, and I did put together that DM showcase for Doom’s 20th birthday. But it is unlikely that the project will be completed in 2014, though we are hoping to make some great progress
17 May 2015Hey can you make this work on Zdeamons? I want to host a server on Zdaemons using this wad.Remember don’t stop and keep what your doing Dont forget the vela pax project even the supplices wad!
2 Jan 2014Sounds good
2 Jan 2014by the way i did see it
i like it and i see the soulsphere looks even cooler in that one picture.
25 Jan 2014I will see you soon after the big hiatus.
5 Aug 2014its almost they end of the summer uh oh

5 Aug 2014well mechadon what i also wanted was a adventures of square mod from that guy named jimmy was an adventures of square mod with all the enemies items weapons and powerups. like that zdoom mod lizard squad by lizardcommando. i hope he creates a mod like that. but jimmy still needs replacements for the arch vile and commanderkeen
6 Aug 2014oh and the wolfenstein ss
6 Aug 2014and a mod with captain j’s netronians
7 Aug 2014do you think you can release a demo
19 Aug 2014because im hoping i would be a sepereate iwad
22 Aug 2014but man this is going to be good

7 Nov 2014But i also saw some more supplice photos on your twitter.

8 Nov 2014Haha, yea I posted some silly shots of work-in-progress stuff :P. One day we’ll have some proper shots to show off, hopefully.
19 Nov 2014hey mechadon can you send this suggestion to jimmy ? what i want is an adventures of square mod with only enemies weapons and items. and make it chex quest compatabile.
19 Nov 2014oh and have the shapleland citizens in it as well.
7 Dec 2014for not just doom but chex quest 1 and 3.
7 Dec 2014my suggestion up there.
8 Dec 2014Hey dude! Jimmy is pretty easy to get in touch with. Send him a PM over at the ZDoom forums with you suggestions
9 Dec 2014sorry man i can’t
can you send it for me please ? sorry about that.
9 Dec 2014bu i hope he gets it.
13 Dec 2014oh and how about choosing different characters in my suggestion.
14 Dec 2014I also hope we might see a strife in doom mod with enemies items and weapons and npcs.
18 Dec 2014AJ, you should be able to get in touch with Jimmy in a few different places if you can’t access the ZDoom forums for some reason. Try his website —
I’m glad your excited about Adventures of Square; it is a really awesome game. But I have very, very little to do with it (just testing so far). Get in touch with Jimmy so you can give your feature requests directly
22 Dec 2014sorry i can’t might as well not.
but i still have hope for your supplice porject i hope it will be an iwad. 
22 Dec 2014i hope it’s also compatible with gzdoom.
2 Jan 2015happy 2015 everybody

2 Jan 2015let’s hope for more progress
5 Jan 2015I cant wait
14 Jan 2015but see ya soon
30 Jan 2015is there more progress done

17 Feb 2015i hope more progress has been done.

17 Feb 2015is a demo ready yet.
18 Feb 2015Hey aj! I appreciate that your so excited about this project
. But could you go easier on the commenting? Whenever we have something to show, you can be sure that I’ll post something about it here. No worries 
22 Feb 2015oh sorry about that.
but ok.
22 Feb 2015oh sorry about that.
but ok.
26 Feb 2015see you soon.
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