Anything related to any type of design.

1048576 pixels of Doom…coming soon!

And so, the development of Claustrophobia 1024 is finally starting to come to an end. It’s been nearly a year since the project started…and boy what a year it has been! Through all the ups and downs that the project experienced, I’ve had a blast working on it and I’ve learned a ton of new stuff for Doom mapping and project management. And I certainly hope that the rest of the team has as well!

With the release of Build 2 for the testing team, I decided to go ahead and set a release date. At first I thought I would keep the date private from the community and only share it with the testing team, but then I decided against it. Since then, two more test builds have been released fairly close together. I decided to keep a changelog of all the fixes/tweaks/additions/etc from the release of Build 2 to the final release. So far everything is looking pretty good and I’m confident that we will be able to meet our release date pretty easily! What’s that? Oh, you want to know what the release date is? Sure thing! It’s June 17th, 2009!. Which is, as of the time I’m making this post, only 3 days away :O. At the current moment in time, we only lack a finished music track from Jimmy91 and he’s planning on finishing the track this weekend.

The wad will be jam-packed with all sorts of goodies. 32+1 excellently designed 1024 maps from various Doom community members, load and loads of new graphics and textures, lots of custom music, and a bunch of other new stuff. Since it’s Boom compatible, it will be able to reach a pretty large playing audience (which I think is great!). We’ve undergone a fairly intensive testing regiment, which is one reason why the release has taken much longer than I anticipated. But all of that should pay off in the end! If anything, it should be many times better than what would have been released during the project’s first go round while Death-Destiny was leading the project :P

So if you were a fan of Congestion 1024 (just like I was) then keep your eyes peeled for the release on June 17th! I will definitely be making another post here about it…likely with lots of screenshots :D

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