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Iota stab ya! Part Deuce

IGPack Build Iota 2 has been released! Here’s the changelog from Iota 1:

Iota-2 Changelog

You can find download links here:
Download [37.4 MB]
Mirror 1 (Mediafire)
Mirror 2 (Badongo)
Mirror 3 (zshare)
Mirror 4 (2shared)
Mirror 5 (Megaupload)
Mirror 6 (alien8)
Thanks goes to WartornCove & Catman & alien8 for the mirrors!

Thanks to all who reported bugs! I’ve worked very hard on getting as much tweaked and fixed as possible. This build will be the closest thing to a final release. Also please note that this must be played with the latest public test version of 97d3! You can get the public version of 97D3 here.

A release should be just a few days away now :D


In addition to Iota-2, MG_Man has updated the gib system so that it is now entirely client-sided. You will need the patch in order to test. Get it here.

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