Mekworx +1
Lordy, I can’t believe it! Mekworx has actually survived a whole year. Ok yea, the first post is marked for October 30th, but the site was actually created on the 29th. I’ve had other personal sites in the past for silly things that I either never updated or were destroyed before I could actually do anything with it. This is the first time that I’ve been able to keep and [somewhat] maintain a personal site for any length of time. I know there aren’t many of you out there that bother strolling towards this small, boring webhole, but I still think this is an event worth celebrating
Up to this point, Mekworx’s has mostly served as a web log for my extremely mind-numbing going-ons that I feel pertinent to share with all 3 of you that visit here. And indeed, that was one part of why I wanted a personal website. The other main reason was to have a place to showcase all of my creative works…sort of a portfolio. But the Design page hasn’t seen much love…and the Info page is just plain pathetic. It just takes so damn long to update that crap (seeing as how I have a lot of crap ). But I have been planning on doing a major overhaul to the Design page for a while now. When will it come? Whenever I can get a day or two just to myself (in other words, I don’t know). I want to come up with a better way to organize everything. And I also want to layout a better template for these sorts of pages. If all goes well, Doom won’t be the only game that I’ll be making content for in the future, so I want a more general organization and template. There’s also the issue of updating the Selenite theme (the current theme) to fix various visual bugs. I’m probably gonna have to outsource to fix some of them
. I do plan on doing this sometime though. Preferably sooner rather than later. Once I can get some organizational groundwork laid, it will take a lot of work of me in the long run. So, that’s my plan for the future of Mekworx right now!
So if your reading this, give a quick Happy Birthday shoutout for Mekworx! I gotta give many thanks to my man Wartorn for providing a more permanent home for Mekworx. Without him, it’s very possible that Mekworx wouldn’t be around today to see this birthday. Thanks alot bud, I truly appreciate it And I also want to thank all of you who have taken some time to drop by and browse/read all of my crap. I know my ramblings lack any sort of depth or entertainment value and I apologize for that. I doubt that it any of it will get any better in the foreseeable future. But maybe…just maybe…I’ll be able to make it slightly more bearable
Oh and as a bonus, here’s an extremely old Armored Core site of mine that happens to still be kicking: Cannon Works Inc.. Cannon Works Inc. was the name of my design garage. It came from my design fetish with the Grenade Launcher weapons. Wow, that crap is old